
We have developed technical bulletins to support our test kits across a variety of sample matrices. These are our current technical bulletins available by product/analyte and testing format. 

Glyphosate ELISA TB 22-001 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Avocados ELISA
TB 22-002 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Beer ELISA
TB 22-003 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Bread and Pasta ELISA
TB 22-004 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Raw Buckwheat Groats Extraction ELISA
TB 22-005 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Cereal ELISA
TB 22-006 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Chips ELISA
TB 22-007 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Durum Wheat Extraction ELISA
TB 22-008 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Gelatin ELISA
TB 22-009 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Grapes ELISA
TB 22-010 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Green Coffee Bean Extraction ELISA
TB 22-011 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Ground Oats, Wheat, and Barley ELISA
TB 22-012 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Honey (10ppb) ELISA
TB 22-014 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Human Urine - Dilution ELISA
TB 22-015 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Human Urine - Filtration ELISA
TB 22-016 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Legumes, Grains, and Seeds ELISA
TB 22-017 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Milk ELISA
TB 22-018 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Plant-Based Cooking Oils ELISA
TB 22-019 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Potatoes ELISA
TB 22-020 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Pureed Baby Food ELISA
TB 22-022 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Rose Stems ELISA
TB 22-023 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Serum ELISA
TB 22-024 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Soil ELISA
TB 22-025 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Soy Sauce ELISA
TB 22-026 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Tea Extraction ELISA
TB 22-027 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Tofu ELISA
TB 22-028 (REV 01) Glyphosate in White Granulated Sugar Extraction ELISA
TB 22-029 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Wine and Grape Juice ELISA
TB 22-030 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Yellow Peas Red Lentils Extraction ELISA
Sample Prep/Collection TB 21-017 (REV 01) Glyphosate Green Coffee Grinding Bulletin
Strip Test TB 21-001 (REV 10) Glyphosate Interpretation Reference Guide Technical Bulletin
TB 21-002 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Water Strip Test Technical Bulletin
TB 21-003 (REV 02) Glyphosate in Honey Strip Test Technical Bulletin
TB 21-005 (REV 05) Glyphosate in Corn Soybeans Dry Pasta Durum Wheat Barley Whole Oats and Oat Groats Strip
TB 21-006 (REV 02) Glyphosate in Raw Buckwheat Groats for Strip Test Technical Bulletin
TB 21-007 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Lentils Strip Test Technical Bulletin
TB 21-015 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Granulated Sugar Strip Test
TB 21-016 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Green Coffee Strip Test
TB 21-017 (REV 01) Glyphosate Green Coffee Grinding Bulletin
TB 21-018 (REV 01) Glyphosate in White Bean Strip Test
TB 22-021 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Beer Strip Test
TB 22-035 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Eggs Strip Test
TB 22-060 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Yellow Peas Strip Test
TB 22-062 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Wine Strip Test
TB 24-006 (REV 01) Glyphosate in Rapeseed Strip Test

Please contact Gold Standard Diagnostics for a copy of the technical bulletin needed for the procedural details or for information on additional sample matrices at