Algal Toxins
Comparative study of domoic acid accumulation, isomer content and associated digestive subcellular processes in five marine invertebrate species Jose Luis García-Corona, Helene Hegaret, Malwenn Lassudrie, Amelie Derrien, Aouregan Terre-Terrillon, Tome Delaire, Caroline Fabioux https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106793 Summary Report - One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System (OHHABS), United States, 2021 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/habs/data/2021-ohhabs-data-summary.html The detection of airborne anatoxin-a (ATX) on glass fiber filters during a harmful algal bloom Sutherland JW, Turcotte RJ, Molden E, Moriarty V, Kelly M, Aubel M, Foss A. (2021) Lake Reservoir Management 37:113–119 Harmful algal blooms and cyanotoxins in Lake Amatitlán, Guatemala, coincided with ancient Maya occupation in the watershed Matthew Neal Waters, Mark Brenner, Jason Hilleary Curtis, Claudia Suseth Romero-Oliva, Margaret Dix, and Manuel Cano (2021):PNAS DOI/Full/10.1073/PNAS.2109919118 Cyanotoxin occurrence in large rivers of the United States Jennifer L. Graham, Neil M. Dubrovsky, Guy M. Foster, Lindsey R. King, Keith A. Loftin, Barry H. Rosen & Erin A. Stelzer(2020):Inland Waters, DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2019.1700749 Interdisciplinary Resevoir Management- A Tool for Sustainable Water Resources Management. Milan Daus, Katharina Koberger, Kaan Koca, Felx Beckers |
Mass Occurrence of Anatoxin-a- and Dihydroanatoxin-a-Producing Tychonema sp. in Mesotrophic Reservoir Mandichosee (River Lech, Germany) as a Cause of Neurotoxicosis in Dogs Franziska Bauer , Jutta Fastner , Bernadett Bartha-Dima , Wolfram Breuer , Almuth Falkenau , Christian Mayer and Uta Raeder. |
A 4700-Year History of Cyanobacteria Toxin Production in a Shallow Subtropical Lake M. N. Waters* |
Cyanotoxin occurrence in large rivers of the United States |
First report of anatoxin-a producing cyanobacteria in Australia illustrates need to regularly up-date monitoring strategies in a shifting global distribution |
The ability of household pitcher-style water purifiers to remove microcystins depends on filtration rate and activated carbon source |
Occurrence of harmful cyanobacteria in drinking water from a severely drought-impacted semi-arid region |
Evaluation of microcystin contamination in blue-green algal dietary supplements using a protein phosphatase inhibition-based test kit |
Algal Blooms and Cyanotoxins in Jordan Lake, North Carolina |
Effect of chlorination by-products on the quantitation of microcystins in finished drinking water |
Algal bloom response and risk management: On-site response tools |
Cyanotoxins: Which detection technique for an optimum risk assessment? |
Validation of ELISA methods for search and quantification of β-n-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) in water and fish tissue. |
US EPA Method 546: Determination of Total Microcystins and Nodularins in Drinking Water and Ambient Water by ADDA Enzyme-Linked Immuosorbent Assay. |
Spatial and temporal variation in microcystins occurrence in wadeable streams in the Southeastern USA. |
The effects of water sample treatment, preparation, and storage prior to cyanotoxin analysis for cylindrospermopsin, microcystin and saxitoxin. |
Effects of trophic status on microcystin production and the dominance of cyanobacteria in the phytoplankton assemblage of Mediterranean reservoirs. |
Draft White Paper on Cyanotoxin Treatment. |
Transfer of microcystin from freshwater lakes to Puget Sound, WA and toxin accumulation in marine mussels (Mytilus trossulus). |
Evaluation of three field test kits to detect microcystins from a public health perspective. |
Biodegradation of [D-Leu1] microcystin-LR by a bacterium isolated from sediment of Patos Lagoon estuary, Brazil. |
2015 Drinking Water Health Advisories for Two Cyanobacterial Toxins. |
Biomarkers of brevetoxin exposure and composite toxin levels in hard clam (Mercenaria sp.) exposed to Karenia brevis blooms. |
Responses of sympatric Karenia brevis, Prorocentrum minimum, and Heterosigma akashiwo to the exposure of crude oil. |
First report of microcystin-producing Fischerella sp. (Stigonematales, Cyanobacteria) in tropical Australia. |
Phylogenies of microcystin-producing Cyanobacteria in the Lower Laurentian Great Lakes suggest extensive genetic connectivity. |
Thicker filaments of Aphanizomenon gracile are more harmful to Daphnia than thinner Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. |
Colorimetric microtiter plate receptor-binding assay for the detection of freshwater and marine neurotoxins targeting the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. |
Exposure to the cyanotoxin microcystin arising from interspecific differences in feeding habits among fish and shellfish in the James Rive Estuary, Virginia. |
Cylindrospermopsin accumulation and release by the benthic cyanobacteriumOscillatoria spPCC 6506 under different light conditions and growth phases. |
Exposure to the cyanotoxin microcystin arising from inter-specific differences in feeding habits among fish and shellfish in the James River Estuary, Virginia. |
Recognition of an important water quality issue at zoos: prevalence and potential threat of toxic cyanobacteria. |
Experimental manipulation of TN:TP ratios suppress cyanobacterial biovolume and microcystin concentration in large-scalein situmesocosms. |
The extraction and analysis of cylindrospermopsin from human serum and urine. |
Invasive dreissenid mussels and round gobies: a benthic pathway for the trophic transfer of microcystin. |
The presence of microcystins in fish Cyprinus carpio tissues: a histopathological study. |
Monitoring toxic cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins (microcystins and cylindrospermopsins) in four recreational reservoirs (Khon Kaen, Thailand). |
Assessment of Cylindrospermopsin Toxin in an Arid Saudi Lake Containing Dense Cyanobacterial Bloom. |
Microcystin Producing Cyanobacterial Communities in Amvrakikos Gulf (Mediterranean Sea, NW Greece) and Toxin Accumulation in Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis). |
Assessment of Microcystin Distribution and Biomagnification in Tissues of Aquatic Food Web Compartments from a Shallow Lake and Evaluation of Potential Risks to Public Health. |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Cyanotoxins and Their Relation to Other Water Quality Variables in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2007-2009. |
Onboard Screening Dockside Testing as a New Means of Managing Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Risks in Federally Closed Waters. |
Toxin Content and Cytotoxicity of Algal Dietary Supplements. |
Evaluation of the Abraxis Strip Test for Microcystins for Use with Wastewater Effluent and Reservoir Water. |
Quantitative assessment of aerosolized cyanobacterial toxins at two New Zealand lakes. |
Effects of Freshwater Input on Nutrient Loading, Phytoplankton Biomass, and Cyanotoxin Production in an Oligohaline Estuarine Lake. |
Bioaccumulation of Microcystins By Fish Associated with A Persistent Cyanobacterial Bloom In Lago De Patzcuaro (Michoacan, Mexico). |
Cyanotoxin mixtures and taste-and-odor compounds in cyanobacterial blooms from the Midwestern United States. |
Evaluating the Potential Risk of Microcystins to Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Fisheries and Human Health in a Eutrophic Estuary. |
Paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin-producing cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon gracile in northeast Germany. |
Composition and Toxic Potential of Cyanoprokaryota in Vacha Dam (Bulgaria). |
Phytoplankton community of the drinking water supply reservoir Borovitsa (South Bulgaria) with an emphasis on cyanotoxins and water quality. |
Responses of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus to two tropical toxic cyanobacteria (Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis aeruginosa) in pure and mixed diets with green algae. |
The cylindrospermopsin gene cluster of Aphanizomenon sp. strain 10E6: organization and recombination. |
Microcystin Production in Epiphytic Cyanobacteria on Submerged Macrophytes. |
Cyanotoxin Mixtures and Taste-and-Odor Compounds in Cyanobacterial Blooms from the Midwestern United States. |
Accumulation of Microcystins in Water and Fish Tissues: An Estimation of Risks Associated with Microcystins in Most of the Greek Lakes. |
A survey for the presence of microcystins in aquaculture ponds in Zaria, Northern-Nigeria: Possible public health implication. |
Novel toxic effects associated with a tropical Limnothrix/Geitlerinema-like cyanobacterium. |
Survey of Toxic Algal (Microcystin) Distribution in Florida Lakes. |
Microcystin in Minnesota Lakes. |
The Nebraska Experience. |
The Presence of Microcystins in Aquatic Ecosystems in Northern Nigeria: Zaria as a Case Study. |
Phytoplankton Assemblages and Monitoring of Cyanotoxins in Trakiets Reservoir. |
The first occurrence of the cyanobacterial alkaloid toxin cylindrospermopsin in the Czech Republic as determined by immunochemical and LC/MS methods. |
Comparative determination of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) using five different toxin detection methods in shellfish species collected in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. |
Effect of Irrigation with Lake Water Containing Microcystins on Microcystin Content and Growth of Ryegrass, Clover, Rape, and Lettuce. |
Microcystin concentrations and genetic diversity of Microcystis in the lower Great Lakes. |
Characterization of Intracellular and Extracellular Saxitoxin Levels in Both Field and Cultured Alexandrium spp. Samples from Sequim Bay, Washington. |
Recreational Exposure to Low Concentrations of Microcystins During an Algal Bloom in a Small Lake. |
Guidelines for Design and Sampling for Cyanobacterial Toxin and Taste-and-Odor Studies in Lakes and reservoirs. |
Cyanotoxin ELISA Testing in Delaware. |
Comparison of Two Cell Lysis Procedures for Recovery of Microcystins in Water Samples from Silver Lake in Dover, Delaware, with Microcystin Producing Cyanobacterial Accumulations. |
Development of Sensitive Immunoassay Formats for Algal Toxins. |
Characterization of Aerosols Containing Microcystin. |
Epidemiology of recreational exposure to freshwater cyanobacteria – an international prospective cohort study. |
Recovery of MC-LR in Fish Liver Tissue. |
A review of analytical methods for assessing the public health risk from microcystin in the aquatic environment. |
Congener-Independent Immunoassay for Microcystins and Nodularins. |
Current Situation and Perspective for HABs Monitoring on the Russian Pacific Coast. |
Toxicity of the Diatom Genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae): Insights from Toxicity Test and Genetic Screening in the Northern Adriatic Sea
Timotej Turk Dermastia, Sonia Dall'Ara, Jozica Dolenc, Patricija Mozetic; http://www.cearac-project.org/1stCEAWS/abst_PDF/2-4_Orlova_.pdfF/2-4_Orlova_.pdf.