ABRAXIS® Benthic Mat Extraction Kit – Microcystins

ABRAXIS® Benthic Mat Extraction Kit – Microcystins

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The ABRAXIS® Benthic Mat Extraction Kit – Microcystins contains all materials for the collection and preparation of 20 benthic mat samples prior to testing with ABRAXIS® Microcystins Test Strip Kits (PN 520016 or 520017*). Extracts from ABRAXIS® Benthic Mat Extraction Kit can then be used for confirmatory testing by ELISA if desired using ABRAXIS® Microcystins ADDA or DM ELISA Kits (PN 520011 or 522015). 

  • Actionable results - permits on-site screening for algal toxins in benthic mats
  • Convenient – use sample extract from positive field tests for confirmatory ELISA lab testing
  • Field-friendly – no lab equipment or utilities required
  • Easy to use – simple step-by-step instructions provided

The kit contents include 40 mL glass sample collection vials with caps, disposable sample extraction tubes with pestles, disposable graduated pipettes, transfer pipettes, 20 mL dilution vials and 4 ml final sample extract vials with caps and labels. Each extraction kit provides materials for 20 benthic mat samples as well as simple, step-by-step instructions for sample preparation.


PN 529916

Format: 20-Test


* ABRAXIS® Microcystins Test Strip, Finished Drinking Water kit is used for testing benthic mat extracts because QuikLyse® is not needed.