Algal Toxins

For public water systems, lake managers, government agencies, regional testing programs, communities and individual researchers requiring near real time answers to support rapid and informed decision-making that protects public health against the threat of algal toxins, Gold Standard Diagnostics offers ELISA test kits for fresh and marine water toxins. We are the only manufacturer of Microcystins-ADDA specific ELISA test kits in the world. Our 96-well ELISA plate kits and lateral flow test strips are based on proven, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology that has been used reliably for decades across a variety of industrial applications requiring rapid, reproducible results to support timely decision-making.
The use of cyanobacteria tests is crucial for protecting the public’s health. The toxins produced by cyanobacteria can cause serious illness in both humans and animals if they are present in significant concentrations in local water supplies or recreational water bodies. Our test kits provide a quick and convenient means of cyanotoxin detection and quantitation.
In addition to specific test kits for various cyanotoxins, we also offer microcystin testing options to address the various state and federal health advisory recommendations for testing specific sample matrices including recreational water, source water and finished drinking water. Our microcystin test kits include both ELISA plates and microcystin test strips.
We also offer algal toxin standards and QC materials, testing equipment and proficiency testing programs.
Key Benefits of the Algal Toxin ELISA Plate Format
Our ELISA plate kits can be run in in-house labs to provide accurate, quantitative results within a few hours. The use of our cyanotoxin test kits provides advantages including:
- Rapid, laboratory-quality analysis
- Quantitative results
- Answers in ~3-4 hours
- Simple methodology, only requires basic lab skills
- Fully automated analysis available
- Improves turnaround by eliminating delays associated with sample shipment for offsite analysis
Key Benefits of the Algal Toxin Test Strip Format
Our test strip kit is simple to use and provides answers about the presence of algal toxins in your water in less than an hour. Because they do not require complex or costly equipment, they are ideal for field-based screening applications. Other advantages include:
- Fast, field-friendly screening for on-site decision-making
- Semi-quantitative/qualitative results
- Answers in <1 hour
- No prior lab experience required
- Field-friendly
- No complex or costly equipment required
- Kits conveniently stored at room temperature
Count on Our Expertise
Adding our proven testing solutions to your testing programs is key for providing you with peace of mind about the safety of your water. To learn more about how our reliable technology can help you meet your testing needs, get in touch with us today and speak with one of our knowledgeable representatives.