Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), Bagged Jar, 100ml

Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB), Bagged Jar, 100ml

Request Info

Tryptic Soy Broth – also referred to as Soybean-Casein Digest Medium, is a general purpose, non-selective growth media that supports growth of most non-fastidious Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria as well as many yeasts and molds. It also supports the growth of many obligate anaerobes when incubated anaerobically. Enzymatic digests of casein and soybean meal provide a source of nitrogen, and the inclusion of dextrose provides the main source of carbon for growth. Osmotic balance is achieved through the inclusion of sodium chloride, while dipotasssium phosphate serves as a buffering agent to maintain pH.

Minimum Case Order Required for this Product

PN PLM1235; 100ml, case of 12 jars