NEW!!!! ABRAXIS® Dicamba ELISA Test Kit

Gold Standard Diagnostics Horsham, a developer, manufacturer and supplier of test kits and systems for laboratory analyses, is pleased to announce the launch of our new ABRAXIS® Dicamba ELISA Plate Test Kit.
Dicamba is a widely used broad-spectrum herbicide mainly applied in corn fields for controlling annual, perennial, and biennial weeds as well as weeds in pastures, range land and non-crop areas such as fence rows and roadways. Dicamba has been found widespread use because of its high efficiency. Dicamba has shown drift after application that can negatively impact neighboring fields.
The ABRAXIS® Dicamba ELISA 96-test Kit is a direct competitive immunoassay based on the recognition of Dicamba by specific antibodies for the quantitative and sensitive screening of Dicamba in contaminated water, durum wheat or soil samples. It is the only ELISA test kit for dicamba available on the market and provides rapid laboratory-based analysis in under 2 hours, low cost per sample testing and meets global regulatory action limits with a test range between 0.05 – 5.0 ppb.