Contact Us

Questions about our products and services? Contact us at +1 215-357-3911 or complete the form below and a representative will contact you within the next business day. If you are outside the US and Canada, we will forward your request to our local distributor partner if applicable. To learn more about how we protect your data and your rights as a customer please read our Privacy Notice.

If you already have our test kits and have questions about their use, feel free to reach out using our Technical Support team direct line at +1 267-982-5017 or via email at

Contact Us


Gold Standard Diagnostics Horsham Inc.

795 Horsham Rd
Horsham, PA 19044

Phone: +1 215-357-3911

Technical Support (direct line): +1 267-982-5017



Business Hours: 8:00AM - 5:00PM EST Monday thru Friday